Getting Started

Welcome to STREAMER! This guide will show you how to easily install and run your first use case with STREAMER. No worries, the process is straightforward. (For a detailed presentation of STREAMER read the “UserGuide.pdf”.)
Here, the installation of STREAMER is presented in breif. For the detailed installation guide of STREAMER, read the “GettingStartedGuide.pdf”
Let’s start!
First of all, download STREAMER framework + environment setup from
However, before we start the installation, you need to decide how you will use the framework. STREAMER is conceived to be used in two different ways (depending on your necessities):
  1. Development use: (oriented to data scientists). You are interested on directly working on the code of the framework to add/develop several functionalities and test them.
  2. Product use: : (oriented to industrial use). You want to use the framework as a product (no need to get in contact with the code but execute STREAMER). In this case, you need to have in your computer the basic services STREAMER requires and STREAMER instance already packed.

1) Getting ready for Deployment use

  1. Run the basic services that STREAMER requires. You can install them using the docker (recommended) following the steps of section 3.1, or install them yourself following section 4.
  2. Install Eclipse ( or the IDE you prefer.
  3. Import the maven project: File->Import->Maven->Existing Maven Projects (and follow the steps to select the folder of STREAMER project).
  4. [Optional] You are now ready to try our example use case by running ProducerMain [setup-folder] to launch the streaming pipeline, or LauncherMain [setup-folder] to launch the streaming pipeline.
  5. Create your first use case in STREAMER by following the steps of section 6.
  6. Run your application in STREAMER as section 5 shows.
Note that the user can run a class in two different ways:
    - From its own IDE (as Eclipse). Calling, for instance: args
    - From console by using the command:
    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=cea.LauncherMain -Dexec.args="args"
Important: for running our use case example or our proposed algorithms do not forget installing the packages they need in your computer for:
    - Python:
    pip3 -r install services/requirementsPython.txt
    - R (services/requirementsR.txt):
    install.packages(c("caret","RCurl","rredis", "kernlab", "e1071", "neuralnet","xgboost"))

2) Getting ready for Production use

Try our example use case in STREAMER by following the steps of Section 3.

3) Using Docker

We make simple and transparent the installation of STREAMER and its services by using Docker. We provide 2 docker files that serve to:
  1. Services environment: it contains all the services used by the framework (Kafka & Zookeeper, Redis. InfluxDB, Kibana & ElasticSearch).
  2. Production environment: it contains STREAMER for production purpose.

3.1 Install & run all the services from Docker (recommended)

[Warning]: for Linux based systems, you may need to run all the commands in “sudo” mode as, for instance, “sudo docker-compose up --build -d “.
Follow the following steps to set all necessary services before running STREAMER:
  1. Install docker on your machine. At the following link, you will find how to install the docker for all the different operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac):
  2. [For Linux] also install docker-compose from
  3. Unzip the provided folder “streamer_environment”.
  4. Open a terminal and change directory to this “streamer_environment” directory.
  5. Run the following command to start the services:
    docker-compose up --build -d
In order to check if the services are running properly, check the following command:
docker ps
To stop the services, use the following command:
docker-compose down
Note: If after following the previous steps, you face a similar error to
ERROR: [1] bootstrap checks failed [1]: max virtual memory areas vm.max_map_count [65530] is too low, increase to at least [262144]
you can solve it by increasing your virtual memory. Run the command:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144
and then build the docker again with:
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

3.2 Running STREAMER in production environment

[Warning]: for Linux based systems, you may need to run all the commands in “sudo” mode as, for instance, sudo docker-compose up --build -d.
  1. Before running STREAMER for production purpose, complete all the steps of case 1 above to run all the services.
  2. Open a terminal and go to directory “streamer_environment/streamer_environment” directory (sub-folder of streamer_environment folder).
  3. Run the following command to start the framework:
    docker-compose up --build
    If you add (-d) to the command above, it should start in the background. In case you are interested in showing the output of the framework, feel free to leave it like it-is.
In order to check if the framework is running properly, check the following command:
docker ps
To stop the services, use the following command:
If you started the framework without using (-d) property, first press (ctrl + c) and then the following (with (-d) or not):
docker-compose down
To check the logs:
Get the container Id corresponding to the container name: "streamer_environment_streamer" using the following command:
docker ps
Then use that Id to access the container using the following command:
docker exec -it container_id bash
Then you can check the logs by accessing the logs folder using:
cd logs

4) Installing STREAMER services yourself (from sources)

STREAMER use the following services that you can install yourself:
- apache kafka & zookeeper/ soft / Apache License 2.0 / kafka.version 7.3.0
- redis server / soft / BSD / Redis version 7.0.5
- influxdb / soft / MIT / version 1.8.10

- elasticsearch / soft / Apache License 2.0 / version 7.17.0
- kibana / soft / Elastic License/ Apache License / version 7.17.0

5) How to run STREAMER

For using Kibana graphical interface, open a web browser and type http://localhost:5601. You may:
a) Create your own dashboard.
b) Import a dashboard by going to Settings->Stack Management->Saved Objects->Import, and add your '.ndjson' file. There are some existing dashboards in /services/kibana-dashboards folder that you can use or adapt. Finally, click Settings->Analytics->Dashboard and select the dashboard you want to open.

5.1) For a classical use of STREAMER

1) Set up all the properties in the files .props within src/main/resources.

2) For using the data producer simulator functionality, run (placed in folder streamer/src/test/java/cea/streamer): [origin1 … originN]
A producer is now writing in Kafka topic(s). [origin1 … originN] Arguments are optional. Each of them runs a problem in a separate process; its name originX indicates the folder where the properties files are located for this specific execution. If no arguments indicated, the system considers the properties files directly placed in src/main/resources/setup folder.

3) For using the streaming pipeline functionality, run (placed in folder streamer\src\test\java\cea\streamer) as: [origin1 … originN]
[origin1 … originN] Arguments are optional. Each of them runs a problem in a separate process; its name originX indicates the folder where the properties files are located for this specific execution. If no arguments indicated, the system considers the properties files directly placed in src/main/resources/setup folder.

4) For using the learning API in offline mode (algorithms test and/or train) run (placed in folder streamer\src\test\java\cea\streamer) as arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 [arg5]
Arguments are:
a) arg1. Data source type: From where data must be retrieved. Option: [influx or file]. It could be either “influx” to build the model using the data stored in InfluxDB or “file” to directly use the data from the file specify in (
b) arg2. Origin: [influx-data-base-name or origin]. origin indicates the folder where the properties files are located for this specific execution. If no arguments indicated, the system considers the properties files directly placed in src/main/resources/setup folder.
c) arg3. Perform training [true or false] (train).
d) arg4. Perform model running [true or false] (test).
e) [arg5]. [Optional] Path from where to store/retrieve the trained model.

5) For using kibana graphical interface open a web browser and type http://localhost:5601. The dashboard will appear.

5.2) For a distributed environment of STREAMER

1) Set up all the properties in the files .props within src/main/resources.

2) Launch a server by running (placed in folder streamer/src/federated) with the following arguments: [origin]
’origin’ argument is optional. It indicates the folder where the properties files are located for this server execution. If no argument is indicated, the system considers the properties file of the distributed learning module demo, directly placed in src/main/resources/setup/cmapss/server folder.

3) Launch an online or offline client by:
(a) running a classic STREAMER instance (for an online client) as in section 5.1 (steps 1 to 3). The ’distributedMode’ property should be set to ’true’ in the federated.props file.
(b) running (for offline client(s), placed in folder streamer/src/federated) with the following arguments: [origin1 ... originN]
[origin1 ... originN] arguments are optional. Each of them runs an offline client in a separate process; its name originX indicates the folder where the properties files are located for this specific execution. If no argument is indicated, the system considers the properties files of the distributed learning module demo, directly placed in src/main/resources/setup/cmapss/client_0 folder.

4) Repeat step 3 to launch as many offline or online clients as you want.

Note: You can launch several clients at the beginning of an FL experience and then launch new clients or disconnect existing ones at any time during the experience.

6) How to Integrate use case + algorithm in STREAMER

6.1) For a classical use of STREAMER

In order to create your running application in STREAMER, two main phases are required:


1) Add the main algorithm class to the cea.streamer.algs package :
a. Implement both methods learn and run for training and testing phases (if necessary).
b. If your model is not coded in Java, you will have to use Redis as an intermediary data storage to save the arriving records to be accessible from the algorithm (in the example below, the algorithm is coded in Python).

2) Add the training and testing python files to the path src/main/resources/algs
a. While coding the algorithms in Python, pay attention for the training file to read the data from Redis, and write the model in Redis.
b. Likewise, for the testing file, pay attention to read the data and the model from Redis, and write the predictions as one line String in Redis and precise the separator used between the predictions’ values in another redis key. These predictions are read by the framework in order to do the realtime evaluation of the model’s performance.


1) Add a folder with the project name

2) Add two configuration files to this folder:
a. Algs.props
b. Streaming.props
Note: The user can choose metrics for evaluating the model by simply adding the name of the metric class. It is also possible for the user to extend the existing metrics with new ones.

3) Create the record class:
a. It is essential to name the record class in this exact way:
problem.type + “Record” + “.java”
b. You can precise the headers of the dataset
c. Implement the fill method to indicate how the records should be filled with the correct values.
d. In case the dataset does not contain timestamp, use sleep and generate a new timestamp.

Time to run the application from your IDE or from console. For instance, to run kdd-cup-99 use case from console we would type:
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=cea.ProducerMain -Dexec.args="kdd-cup-99" 
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=cea.LauncherMain -Dexec.args="kdd-cup-99"

6.2) For a distributed environment of STREAMER

In order to create your running distributed application in STREAMER, two main phases are required:


With the first version of the distributed learning module, you can only use Python algorithms during the distributed learning process.
1) Add the folder containing your Python algorithm to the path src/main/resources/algs.
• Create a Python file that manages the process of the possible actions (initialization, training, evaluation, inference). In fact, STREAMER executes the Python code with an argument ’state’ that represents the action. So, the Python file should implement and run the corresponding methods according to the following state values it receives:
– init: Initializes the model and pushes it to Redis.
– train: Fits the model and pushes the updated one to Redis.
– evaluate: Evaluates the model and pushes the metrics (the loss) to Redis.
– inference: Makes the inference and pushes the prediction to Redis.

2) Add an algorithm java class in cea.streamer.algs package only if you want to perform the inference with an online client.
• Only the run() method should be implemented as the training step will be controlled by the server and called through the ’Client’ federated overlay.
• You must use Redis as an intermediary data storage to save the arriving records to be accessible from the algorithm as the model is coded in Python.


For a distributed use of STREAMER, you have to setup a server and then, as many clients (offline or online) as you want.
1) Setup for the server:
(a) Add a folder with the project name + ’-server’.
(b) Add a federated.props file to this folder.

2) Setup for one client (repeat it for several clients):
(a) Add a folder with the project name + ’ client_id’ (id is a unique identifier for the client). For instance folder client_0.
(b) Add three configuration files to this folder:
Warning: These 3 properties files must be completed in a specific way, depending on the nature of the client (online or offline). See the user guide for more information.
(c) Create the record class:
i. It is essential to name the record class in this exact way: problem.type + “Record” + “.java”.
ii. You can precise the headers of the dataset.
iii. Implement the fill() method to indicate how the records should be filled with the correct values.
iv. In case the dataset does not contain timestamp, you may use function sleep() and generate a new timestamp.

Note that in the same use case, you can use this class for several clients if each dataset has a similar format, or create new ones if needed.

Once you have setup the server and the desired number of clients, run the application by following the steps of section 5.2 with your proper ’origin’ arguments (corresponding to the folders of the server and the clients, where the properties files are located). For instance: cmapss/server cmapss/client_0 cmapss/client_1 cmapss/client_2